
Fb downloader for iphone
Fb downloader for iphone

For example, maybe you want to review your content and identify areas of improvement. You'll probably miss the possibility to chat privately with friends or groups of friends, but now the instant messaging functions have been dissociated from the application to become exclusive to Messenger, another app that's a big must on any worthy smartphone or tablet.There are a variety of reasons why you might want to record live on Facebook. Take part in contests organized by different brands on their social networks.

fb downloader for iphone

  • Have a go at games optimized for mobile phones and flood your contacts with requests for Candy Crush and Clash of Clans.
  • Express other feelings by means of the reaction buttons: Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry.
  • Like whatever post you want with the corresponding button.
  • Comment on your contact's publications or posts by any user with an open wall.
  • Explore your timeline to find out what your friends have published, said, or done.
  • Receive notifications about any publication in which you've been mentioned.
  • Upload photos, share links, and tag friends.
  • Share live videos by means of streaming from your iPhone's camera in order to broadcast important events.
  • Update your status and say where you are by means of the Check-in function.
  • Access your account, change your profile and cover photos and modify your personal details.
  • fb downloader for iphone

    What can I do with this version of Facebook for iPhone and iPad?Īs we said earlier, you can carry on doing all the usual things you'd carry out on the ordinary version, but now from a much smaller screen: But if you still think it consumes too many resources you can always turn to the Lite version. With this app downloaded and installed on your iPhone, you'll obviously be able to access all the usual functions of the web version, but with the added value of mobility and being able to check your account and all the movements on your timeline when and wherever you want, as well as receiving activity notifications on your phone's home screen.Įssential to keep up with everything going on in your friends' lives.īut beware, the mobile version of this social network isn't perfect: it takes up a lot of space on our smartphone and usually eats up all our battery, but its advantages beat the disadvantages. In this case, we want to introduce you to the official FB client for iOS devices. Before we usually accessed Facebook from our PC's browser, but now it's almost unthinkable not to do so from a mobile application. Technology has come a long way since the arrival of Mark Zuckerberg's social network around 2005.

    Fb downloader for iphone